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The School Day

We operate a split lunch and break to ensure students can enjoy their meal as comfortably as possible. This means that different year groups have their meals at different times. 

Years 7, 9 and 11
08:45 - 9:20 Form Time
09:20 - 10:35 Lesson 1
10:35 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 12:05 Lesson 2
12:05 - 12:35 Lunch
12:35 - 1:50 Lesson 3
1:50 - 3:05 Lesson 4
Years 8 and 10
08:45 - 9:20 Form Time
09:20 - 10:35 Lesson 1
10:35 - 11:50 Lesson 2
11:50 - 12:05 Break
12:05 - 1:20 Lesson 3
1:20 - 1:50 Lunch
1:50 - 3:05 Lesson 4
Form Time starts at 8:45am and the compulsory school day ends at 3:05pm. This is a total of 31.65 hours per week. A free breakfast is  available to all students from 7:40am-8:20am. At the end of the compulsory school day, we offer a range of extra-curricular activities and booster sessions running until 4pm.