The transition process begins early in Year 5, a chance for MEA’s values to come alive for the students, providing them with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Academy and take their first steps in building strong relationships with our fantastic teachers and support staff.
We invite all Year 5 pupils from our main primary feeder schools to spend the day with us - we call this our 'Year 5 Day' and hold this towards the end of the Summer Term. We organise this day directly with the primary school.
In the following Autumn Term, in the new academic year, we then hold our Academy Open Evening, generally in September. We ensure all Year 5 & 6 children in local primary schools receive an invitation to this event. The deadline for secondary school applications is Tuesday 31st October 2024.
In March, on National Offer Day, we contact all pupils who have been allocated a place with us to confirm whether your child is taking the place. Once we received your reply we will write to you to confirm their enrolment. Shortly after this we will email you the Admissions Form for you to complete.
During the Summer Term we invite all Year 6 children who have accepted their place to our Year 6 Transition Day (pupils only). This is generally held at the start of July.
On this same day, during the evening, we also invite parents/carers and their child to a Year 6 Induction Evening. During the evening you will hear a presentation from the Principal and have a chance to meet the Form Tutors, support staff and senior leadership team. You will be able to collect your FREE blazer, tie, PE kit and PE bag.
Our transition process ensures that our Year 7 students start the Academy feeling cared for and ready to excel. From the minute they arrive for their first induction day the students are supported by a dedicated Year 7 team who work closely with parents and carers to make sure they feel involved and informed about their child’s education.
During the first half-term we also hold a Year 7 Settling In Evening for students and their parents/carers so that their first steps towards a fantastic future are in place.