Careers Education Information

We believe all students should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about their futures. As part of our Fantastic Futures Curriculum we support MEA students by:

  • helping to prepare them for progression into employment or the next stage of their education
  • providing opportunities for students to connect with positive role models from the world of work and engage with local businesses to prepare for the future in a digital world
  • helping them develop entrepreneurial skills

MEA's Careers Lead is Ms K Yates, Assistant Vice Principal. She can be contacted at

Students can also make an appointment with our Independent Careers Adviser, Ms K Davidson.

MEA Careers Programme

MEA has a full Careers Programme, taught as part of the Fantastic Futures Curriculum across Years 7-11, which prepares and supports students as they think about their futures.

Click here to download our Careers Programme


We are committed to ensuring our students receive a range of employer and training encounters. If parents or carers have any questions regarding our Careers Education Program, please contact Ms K Yates using the link below.

Below is a list of useful websites and information packs for parents supporting their children in exploring future pathways.

Amazing Apprenticeships Parents & Carers Pack

Amazing Apprenticeships Workshops & Webinars

Year 11 College Open Event Dates

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a national framework for organsing the careers education provision at schools and colleges. They define what outstanding careers education looks like.

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme ​– every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers.

  2. Learning from careers and labour market information – every student will have access to quality labour market information to support their decisions with future pathways.

  3. Addressing the needs of each student – MEA recognises that each student needs different support at different stages. Our Fantastic Futures careers program is tailored for each year group, and advice and guidance specific to the needs of each pupil. Diversity and equality considerations are embedded throughout.

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers – teachers recognise that curriculum learning provides the foundation to entering a career industry later in life, and highlight this to students.

  5. Encounters with employers and employees – all pupils have consistent opportunities to meet and learn from employers about work, employment, and the skills that are valued in the workplace through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers and careers and information evenings.​

  6. Experiences of workplaces – every student has first-hand experience of the workplace through work vists, shadowing, and work experience.

  7. Encounters with further and higher education – all students understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes academic, vocational and technical routes in colleges, sixth forms, apprenticeships, universities, and the workplace.

  8. Personal guidance – every pupil has access to individual careers guidance with our independent Careers Adviser.  
To read more about the Gatsby Benchmarks, follow the link below to the Gatsby Foundation website:

The Gatsby Benchmarks